CaiLu 才鹿

Cailu,founded in 2014, is a vertical HR solution innovator and provider for education and training industry in China and overseas. We have successfully placed more than 400 key talents for more than 400 education startups and companies. We distinguish ourselves from the traditional recruitment firms by

1)Leading the research of HR practice for the industry

2)Developing data-driven and AI talent match system

3)Realizing clients’ value first by professional service

We connect with more than 400 leading edu companies in China, building a 100,000+ smart talent platform. Welcome to connect for more understanding of your recruitment needs and career goals in education market of China.

Joyce 裘梦媛


发展历程 History

新闻动态 News


<公司要招增长,而作为HR的你还不知道什么是增长>自才鹿上次“学科运营”岗位分析的文章发表之后,引起了行业内相关从业者的热烈的反响。教培行业的快速发展,在职能岗位发展和要求上也发生着迅速的变化。“增长”职能01   增长到底是什么?提到增长的职能,就不能不提“Growth Hacker”(增长黑客)这个概念,这是一个互联网领域的产物,《增长黑客》书中分享了一系列为人津津乐道的成功增长案

2019-10-31 7827

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